Turen går til Tunesien
Solen fanger parfumeflakonerne og sniger sig videre ind i den kringelkrogede medina. Bag medinaen fortsætter oasen. Bag oasen begynder Sahara. Sandet knaser mellem tænderne og hvisler under fødderne. Velkommen til hotellet med 1000 stjerner, siger kamelføreren og kigger op i nattehimmelen. Her i ørkenen kan sjælen lade op.
2007 udgave
Take a Closer Look
Arasse, Daniel
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TILBUD 50 DKK inkl. moms
What happens when we look at a painting? What do we think about? What do we imagine? How can we explain, even to ourselves, what we see or think we see? And how can art historians interpret with any seriousness what they observe? In six engaging, short narrative "fictions," each richly illustrated in color, Daniel Arasse, one of the most brilliant art historians of our time, cleverly and gracefully guides readers through a variety of adventures in seeing, from Velázquez to Titian, Bruegel to Tintoretto.
By demonstrating that we don't really see what these paintings are trying to show us, Arasse makes it clear that we need to take a closer look. In chapters that each have a different form, including a letter, an interview, and an animated conversation with a colleague, the book explores how these pictures teach us about ways of seeing across the centuries. In the process, Arasse freshly lays bare the dazzling power of painting. Fast-paced and full of humor as well as insight, this is a book for anyone who cares about really looking at, seeing, and understanding paintings.
Daniel Arasse (1944-2003) was professor of art history at the Sorbonne, director of the French Institute in Florence, and director of studies at l'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales. His many books include Vermeer (Princeton), Botticelli, and Anselm Kiefer.
Severe and Mild Depression - The Psychotherapeutic Approach
Arieti, Silvano & Jules Bemporad
TILBUD 30 DKK inkl. moms
Silvano Arieti (June 28, 1914 in Pisa, Italy – August 7, 1981 in New York City) was a psychiatrist regarded as one of the world’s foremost authorities on schizophrenia. He received his M.D. from the University of Pisa and left Italy soon after, due to the increasingly racial policies of Benito Mussolini.
Arieti was professor of psychiatry at New York Medical College. He was also training analyst in the Division of Psychoanalysis at the William Alanson White Institute, and editor of the six-volume American Handbook of Psychiatry. His Interpretation of Schizophrenia won the 1975 National Book Award in Science.[1]
Arieti undertook psychotherapy of schizophrenic patients, an unusual approach that few of his colleagues chose to pursue. The views he expressed in Interpretation of Schizophrenia are now professionally called the trauma model of mental disorders and constitute one alternative to the mainstream medical model of mental disorders.
Aristophanes (ed. by Jeffrey Henderson)
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Klassisk Arkæologi
In addition to its many topical references to social life, religion, and politics in classical Athens, the Lysistrata is one of our best sources for the life of women in antiquity: unlike epic, tragedy, and oratory, Attic comedy draws its characters and plots from everyday life and provides a unique glimpse into the situation of everyday Athenians. Henderson's standard edition of Aristophanes' play provides much new evidence for those working on anthropological and sociological aspects of Athens, as well as those working in traditional philological fields. The text is brought fully up to date with the advances made in Aristophanic scholarship over the past sixty years.
In particular, it is the first to report all the manuscripts, papyri, and testimonial sources of the text, offering a new account of its history and a detailed review of the transmission of the Aristophanic corpus as a whole. Henderson's text and apparatus criticus is supplemented by a full Introduction giving details of the background to the play, its content, staging, philological interest, the textual transmission, and by a detailed Commentary.
Brand elegance - On sensory tools and platforms
Bøilerehauge, Dorrit
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TILBUD 50 DKK inkl. moms
Brand Elegance introduces an operational take on multi-platform strategy and sensory involvement, i.e. two vital areas in strategic branding. The concept Brand Elegance becomes a guideline to pursue and a goal to reach for experts, students and professionals alike.
Turen går til Kanaløerne
Hansen, Ole Steen
Stå stille på en klippe og mærk tidevandet dække føderne på få minutter. Besøg engelske pubber, far vild på snoede veje med franske navne, og udforsk gamle fæstninger. Nyd det frodige blomsterflor, de spændende badestrande, byernes myldrende liv eller ensomheden på en forblæst klippesti.
TILBUD: 50 DKK inkl. moms i stedet for 135
Om voksenundervisning
Jensen, Carsten Nejst
TILBUD 30 DKK inkl. moms
Om at undervise voksne
Ved indgangen til 1990erne blev årtiet kaldt voksenundervisningens årti, en betegnelse, der ved udgangen af årtiet har vist sig at være ret præcis. Og intet tyder på, at andelen af voksne der vil eller skal uddannes og undervises aftager - snarere tværtimod.
At være voksenunderviser i dag er andet og mere end at undervise, det er også at planlægge og begrunde undervisning med baggrund i pædagogisk og didaktisk teori.
Om voksenundervisning - grundlag for pædagogiske og didaktiske refleksioner henvender sig til voksenundervisere og studerende i voksenpædagogik og voksendidaktik, der ønsker et bedre grundlag for planlægning og begrundelser af voksenundervisning.
Bogen indeholder bidrag fra ca. 35 forfattere, der alle beskæftiger sig med voksenundervisning.
Kapitel 1: Voksenpædagogik
Pædagogik og voksenpædagogik
1. Pædagogik af Åge Rokkjær
2. Finnes det en voksenpedagogikk? af Svein Loeng
Viden og dannelse
3. Er informationer da ikke det samme som viden? af Steen Larsen
4. Dannelsen får krop af Ove Korsgaard
5. Den fjerde bølge af Johan Fjord Jensen
Pædagogiske tænkere
6. Om at have sans for 'det nye' - med Thomas Ziehe som anledning og inspiration af Kim Rasmussen
7. Bourdieu, habitus begrebet og voksenpædagogik i dag af Richard Lee Stevens
Kapitel 2: Voksenpædagogisk sociologi
Det moderne samfund
8. Forbi med kys og klap af J. Ørstrøm Møller
Voksenuddannelse og samfund
9. Hvis voksenuddannelse er svaret, hvad er så spørgsmålet? af Henning Salling Olesen
10. En dansk model for IT-integration i voksenuddannelserne af Bent B. Andresen
11. Almenkvalificering af Knud Illeris
Voksenuddannelse mellem system- og livsverden
12. VUC' fremtid på markederne af Preben Clausen
13. Hvor i alverden er voksenundervisningen på vej hen? - hurtige indfald, hidsige udfald og et enkelt eksempel af Leif Hansen
14. Nordisk Folkeoplysning - udvikling eller afvikling? af Ove Korsgaard
Kapitel 3: Voksenpædagogisk psykologi
15. Daniel J. Levinson og mandens årstider af Johan Fjord Jensen
16. Intelligensens moduler af Mogens Hansen
17. His Majesty the Baby eller Om individualiseringstvang af Lars-Henrik Schmidt
18. Når virkeligheden konstrueres - læringspsykologi af Svein Sjøberg
19. Regressions- og progressionsinteresse af Thomas Ziehe
20. Professionelt nærvær - om underviseres ubevidste kommunikation af Marianne Kristiansen
21. Urørlighedszonen af K.E. Løgstrup
22. Jeg har ikke tid af Maureen Garland. Oversat, bearbejdet og kommenteret ved Peer Mylov
Kapitel 4: Voksendidaktik
Undervisning og læring
23. At lære og at lære af Sven Erik Nordenbo
24. Fejlforståelser om undervisning af Knud Illeris
25. At lære er at forstå af Per Fibæk Laursen
26. Ansvar for egen læring - et modefænomen? af Jørgen Gleerup & Erling Petersson
27. At lære-at-lære af Erik Laursen
Indhold og styring
28. Almenkvalificering i uddannelserne af Knud Illeris, Vibeke Andersen, Christian Kjærsgaard, Kirsten Larsen, Henning Salling Olesen & Lars Ulriksen
29. Andragogiske antagelser om selvstyring og ansvarlighed af Gitte Wichmann-Hansen
Kvalifikation eller dannelse
30. Almen kvalificering eller dannelsesprocesser af Kurt Aagaard Nielsen, Birger Steen Nielsen & Peter Olsén
Læringsmiljø for voksne
31. Læringsmiljø af Bjarne Wahlgren
Undervisnings- og arbejdsformer
32. Projektarbejde - med særligt henblik på social- og sundhedsuddannelserne af Carsten Nejst Jensen
33. En pædagogisk rehabilitering af mesterlæren? af Steinar Kvale
Lærerroller og kursistroller
34. Fra formidling mod læreprocesser af Erling Petersson
35. Vejlederrollen ved projektarbejde af Arno Kaae
36. Fjernundervisning og lærerrolle på AMU af Per Fi
Introducing Translation Studies - Theories and Applications
Munday, Jeremy
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Literature & Linguistics
Introducing Translation Studies remains the definitive guide to the theories and concepts that make up the field of translation studies. Providing an accessible and up-to-date overview, it has long been the essential textbook on courses worldwide.
This fifth edition has been fully revised, and continues to provide a balanced and detailed guide to the theoretical landscape. Each theory is applied to a wide range of languages, including Bengali, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Punjabi, Portuguese and Spanish. A broad spectrum of texts is analysed, including the Bible, Buddhist sutras, Beowulf, the fiction of Proust and the theatre of Shakespeare, European Union and UNESCO documents, a range of contemporary films, a travel brochure, a children's cookery book and the translations of Harry Potter. Each chapter comprises an introduction outlining the translation theory or theories, illustrative texts with translations, case studies, a chapter summary, and discussion points and exercises.
New features in this fifth edition include:
New material to keep up with developments in research and practice; this includes the sociology of translation chapter, where a new case study employs a Bourdieusian approach; there is also newly structured discussion on translation in the digital age, and audiovisual and machine translation;
Revised discussion points and updated figures and tables;
New in-chapter activities with links in the enhanced ebook to online materials and articles to encourage independent research;
An extensive updated companion website with video introductions and journal articles to accompany each chapter, online exercises, an interactive timeline, weblinks, and PowerPoint slides for teacher support.
This is a practical, user-friendly textbook ideal for students and researchers on courses in translation and translation studies.
10 faldgruber
Overaas, Kirsten Marie
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Denne bog er en håndsrækning til alle dem, der ikke er oversættere, men som alligevel oversætter, hvad enten det er enkeltstående ord, citater eller lidt længere tekster.
Bogen gennemgår ti faldgruber, som giver anledning til de mest almindelige oversættelsesfejl, og gennemgår eksempler fra dagspressen, hvor oversættere elegant har undgået faldgruberne eller er gået i med begge ben. De ti faldgruber er:
Kulturspecifikke elementer, faste udtryk, falske venner, egennavne, rang og titler, fagsprog, stil, undersættelser, ikke-oversættelser, maskinoversættelser.
Bogen giver også en introduktion til grundliggende spørgsmål inden for oversættelsesteorien: Hvorfor kan man ikke bare skrive det, det hedder på det andet sprog? Hvad gør man, når et begreb kun findes i én kultur? Hvad "må" man, når man oversætter?
I modsætning til andre danske bøger om oversættelse er denne en praktisk håndbog, der især henvender sig til dem, der beskæftiger sig med journalistisk oversættelse, fx journalister, skribenter og kommunikatører, der bruger udenlandske nyhedstelegrammer, pressemeddelelser, interviews, artikler og kilder i deres arbejde, samt journalist- og kommunikationsstuderende og andre sprogarbejdere med interesse for oversættelse. Fokus er på oversættelse fra engelsk til dansk, men bogen kan også bruges af folk, der beskæftiger sig med andre sprogkombinationer.
Hit med jobbet - Skriv en ansøgning, der får dig til samtale
Rasmussen, Steen Kræmer
Forfatteren har undervist over 2.000 jobsøgende. Han gør op med 30 års skabelon for den gode ansøgning. Bogen viser, hvordan du sætter din professionelle personlighed i spil.
Med din professionelle personlighed får du sat fokus på det, der gør dig fagligt unik. Du får dermed helt konkrete værktøjer til at vise din kommende arbejdsgiver, hvorfor det er dig, hun skal satse på.
Bogen giver dig ikke et Quick-fix, men hjælper dig med at gøre en målrettet indsats, der bringer dig tættere på det helt rigtige job. Alle jobsøgende, der er villige til at gøre noget ekstra for at få et job, kan have glæde af denne bog. Og det er i øvrigt ligegyldigt, om du har en lang videregående uddannelse, er butiksassistent eller lagermedarbejder.
Værktøjerne i bogen er for alle. Og de virker!
OUVRE-CUISINE Kulinarisk Ordbog - Fransk/Dansk/Dansk-Fransk
Schmidt, Marianne R. & Lisbeth Østergaard
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Som navnet hentyder er ”køkkenåbneren” en kulinarisk ordbog (med udtale!) til brug for både kokke og mad interesserede. Denne lille samling af vigtige og nyttige franske ord og udryk indenfor kogekunsten giver plads til notater, leger med franske madordsprog og sjove illustrationer.
Mere end 1000 franske køkken og fagudtryk.
69 sider 180,- DKK i.m. Leveres i flot gaveindpakning
Og en app er på vej
Greek Drama and Dramatists
Sommerstein, Alan H.
The history of European drama began at the festivals of Dionysus in ancient Athens, where tragedy, satyr-drama and comedy were performed. Understanding this background is vital for students of classical, literary and theatrical subjects, and Alan H. Sommerstein's accessible study is the ideal introduction. The book begins by looking at the social and theatrical contexts and different characteristics of the three genres of ancient Greek drama. It then examines the five main dramatists whose works survive - Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes and Menander - discussing their styles, techniques and ideas, and giving short synopses of all their extant plays. Additional helpful features include succinct coverage of almost sixty other authors, a chronology of significant people and events, and an anthology of translated texts, all of which have been previously inaccessible to students. An up-to-date study bibliography of further reading concludes the volume. Clear, concise and comprehensive, and written by an acknowledged expert in the field, Greek Drama and Dramatists will be a valuable orientation text at both sixth form and undergraduate level.
Deadly Dialectics - Sex, violence and nihilism in the world of Yukio Mishima
Starrs, Roy
Nietzsche once described his own iconoclastic style of thought as "my attempt to philosophize with a hammer", and Michima's nihilism too is the "hammer" withwhich he smashes to pieces the masks worn by his characters - and this act of "smashing" itself often forms the dramatic climax of his novels. This was Mishima's real "act of courage": not the self-indulgent swordplay with which he mesmerized the world but the devastatign honesty with which,in his writings, he unmasked his fictional alter egos and revealed the void which gaped behind the mask.
TILBUD: 20,-
Translation Studies Reader
Venuti, Lawrence
The Translation Studies Reader provides a definitive survey of the most important and influential developments in translation theory and research, with an emphasis on twentieth-century developments. With introductory essays prefacing each section, the book places a wide range of seminal and innovative readings within their thematic, cultural and historical contexts.
The third edition of this classic reader has been fully revised and updated and adds a new section: 2000 and beyond , which includes five new readings. These new readings bring the Reader up to date with recent developments in the field and include articles on translation and world literature and translation and the internet.
Morality - An Introduction to Ethics
Williams, Bernard
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TILBUD 20 DKK inkl. moms
Bernard Williams's remarkable essay on morality confronts the problems of writing moral philosophy, and offers a stimulating alternative to more systematic accounts which seem nevertheless to have left all the important issues somewhere off the page. Williams explains, analyses and distinguishes a number of key positions, from the purely amoral to notions of subjective or relative morality, testing their coherence before going on to explore the nature of 'goodness' in relation to responsibilities and choice, roles, standards, and human nature. The final chapters make a fascinating enquiry into what morality is about, looking beyond happiness to other human aims and ideals.