501 English Verbs - 3rd. Ed.
Beyer, Thomas R. Jr.
The new third edition of Barron’s 501 English Verbs comes with an enclosed CD-ROM that offers valuable practice exercises in verb conjugation and a concise grammar review. The book presents the most common regular and irregular English verbs alphabetically arranged in table form, one verb per page, and completely conjugated in all tenses. The book also reviews rules of grammar applicable to verb usage, provides a list of hundreds more regular verbs, offers tips on idiomatic verb usage, lists 550 problem verbs with their principal parts, and presents an index to the verbs that includes their irregular forms. A newly revised section of Phrasal Verbs offers 55 essential forms with multiple example sentences. Here’s a valuable fast-reference source for ESL students and all students of English grammar.
Den lille fejlstøvsuger - Grammatisk øvebog i engelsk
Bøgh, Jens & Jørgen Hovgaard
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ELT - A0 - Starter
Den lille fejlstøvsuger behandler de hyppigt forekomne fejltyper i engelskundervisningen. Den er ikke en traditionel grammatik, men en GRAMMATISK ØVEBOG, der kombinerer information med rigeligt øvelsesmateriale.
Den lille fejlstøvsuger imødekommer de krav, den kontrastive undervisning stiller.
Ideen til Den lille fejlstøvsuger opstod, fordi der i den daglige engelskundervisning er et stort behov for en bog, der giver overblik og helhedsforståelse samtidig med at indlæringen af de enkelte regler sikres gennem varieret øvelsesmateriale på 3 forskellige niveauer.
Der er specielt vigtigt for elever, der hvert år udskifter deres grundbøger, at have et fast holdepunkt for deres grammatiske viden i form af én bog, der følger dem igennem de sidste skoleår.
Fejlstøvsugeren. Grammatisk øvebog i engelsk
Bøgh, Jens & Jørgen Hovgaard
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ELT - A0 - Starter
Fejlstøvsugeren er en grammatisk øvebog, der kombinerer overskuelig information med varieret øvelsesmateriale.
De grammatiske forklaringer er korte og klare, eksempelmaterialet er rigeligt, og øvelserne er inddelt i tre niveauer af stigende sværhedsgrad.
Bogen er forsynet med et integreret rettesystem, som træner eleven i fejlfinding, og som gør det skriftlige rettearbejde mere meningsfyldt for både lærer og elev.
Test it Fix it: Grammar - Intermediate
Bourke, Kenna
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ELT - B1 - Intermediate- PET
* A test, answers with helpful tips, and a second test on the same topic in each four-page unit.
* Twenty topics in each book.
* Twenty 'Review' pages, leaving a mini reference book once all the tests have been completed.
* Written for self-study and also suitable for use in the classroom.
Test it Fix it: Grammar - Pre-intermediate
Bourke, Kenna
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ELT - A2/B1 - Pre-Intermediate
* A test, answers with helpful tips, and a second test on the same topic in each four-page unit.
* Twenty topics in each book.
* Twenty 'Review' pages, leaving a mini reference book once all the tests have been completed.
* Written for self-study and also suitable for use in the classroom.
Oxford Practice Grammar w. Tests & Answers - Intermediate
Eastwood, John
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ELT - B1 - Intermediate- PET
The right explanations and practice for your language level, plus 100% more interactive practice on the NEW Practice-Boost CD-ROMs.
Elements of Success 2 (With Essential Online Practice)
Ediger, Anne M. & Linda Lee
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ELT - B1 - Intermediate- PET
Elements of Success is a new grammar course which helps students learn the real-world grammar they need to read, communicate, and write effectively. Grammar is clearly presented with highly visual charts and explanations, and extensive four-skills practice helps students apply and remember what they learn.
Online Practice Plus takes learning beyond the classroom, with all new practice activities and automatic feedback which not only gives the right answers but explains why the answers are correct.
With comprehensive resources for teachers including iTools Online.
engelsk mini grammatik
Frandsen, Per
English Grammar - A Generative Perspective
Haegeman, Liliane & Jacqueline Guéron
TILBUD 100 DKK inkl. moms
This book is intended primarily for undergraduate students of English, though it will also be useful for undergraduates in linguistics focusing on English. It shows how a restricted set of principles can account for a wide range of the phenomena of English syntax.
While the main focus of the book is empirical, it introduces important theoretical concepts: theta theory, X-bar theory, case theory, locality, binding theory, economy, full interpretation, functional projections. In doing so it prepares the student for more advanced theoretical work. The authors integrate many recent insights into the nature of syntactic structure into their discussion. They present information in a gradual way: hypotheses developed in early chapters are reviewed and modified in subsequent ones. The authors also pay attention to the relation between structure and interpretation and to language variation, and particularly to register variation. They include a wide range of diverse exercises, giving the student an opportunity for creative individual work on English.
Oxford Living Grammar - Pre-intermediate w. answers + CD-ROM
Harrison, Mark
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ELT - A2/B1 - Pre-Intermediate
A three-level series where students learn and practise grammar in everyday contexts.
Oxford Living Grammar takes a practical approach to grammar. The four-page units provide clear explanations and information on when the grammar is used, followed by extensive practice. Each level includes an interactive CD-ROM.
Key features:
* Explanations include a 'Grammar in action' section which explains when the grammar is typically used.
* Exercises are contextualized so that students practise using the grammar in everyday situations.
* 'Word focus' boxes highlight interesting idiomatic expressions or words students might not be familiar with.
* An 'Over to you' task bank at the back of the book offers freer practice, and sample model answers.
* Modern, upbeat illustrations and exercises that apply grammar to real situations give the series a strong appeal to teenage and adult learners.
* Elementary and Pre-Intermediate levels help prepare students for the KET exam; Intermediate prepares students for the PET exam.
Advanced grammar in Use with Answers and CD-ROM
Hewings, Martin
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ELT - C1 - Advanced - CAE
This new revised edition focuses specifically on the complexities of grammatical choices that advanced students need to appreciate. It also includes a comprehensive Basic Grammar Reference so students can easily review their understanding of language areas they have previously studied.
* 100 units of grammar reference and practice materials for advanced level learners of English, including seven completely new units.
* New Additional Exercises, appendices and coverage more specifically aimed at the advanced learner.
* A Grammar Review section which allows learners to review relevant information before starting the more advanced material in the unit.
* An ideal grammar book for students preparing for Cambridge Advanced Examination in English, Cambridge Proficiency in English or IELTS examinations.
* Informed by the Cambridge International Corpus to ensure all the language taught is authentic and up-to-date.
Engelsk mini grammatik - Øvehæfte 1
Jacobsen, Jonas
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Easy Readers - Beginner
ELT - A1 - Beginner
Den primære målgruppe er folkeskolens 4.-7. klassetrin, voksen- og aftenskoleundervisningen, herunder prøveforberedende undervisning.
Som det gælder for hele serien, følger øvehæfte 1 i sin opbygning nøje grundbogen, engelsk mini grammatik. Det vil sige alfabetisk opbygning med side-til-side princippet. Til hver side i grundbogen hører således en side i øvehæfte 1 med samme sidetal for samme emne.
Der anbefales en grundig gennemgang af det enkelte grammatiske emne i grundbogen, engelsk mini grammatik, før den tilsvarende side i øvehæftet præsenteres. Eleven gøres samtidig fortrolig med grundbogens og øvehæfternes fælles opbygning.
Bagest i bogen findes en ordliste, engelsk-dansk og dansk-engelsk, som omfatter de fleste af de ord, eleverne kan få brug for i arbejdet med opgaverne.
How Languages are Learned
Lightbown, Patsy, M. & Nina Spada
Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers
* A readable introduction to the main theories of first and second language acquisition, relating them to approaches to classroom methodology and practice.
* Provides a link between theories on language acquisition and approaches and methodology in language teaching, and discusses practical implications for the classroom, using activities and projects.
* Helps teachers to assess the merits of different methods and textbooks, and make the most of their time with learners.
* New for this edition: explores recent theories (e.g. skill learning, connectionism, the 'noticing' hypothesis) and research on the teaching and learning of vocabulary, pronunciation and pragmatics.
* Includes more on current theories of first language acquisition and early bilingualism, and factors affecting learning such as motivation, learning styles, etc.
* Includes a greater variety of ethnic, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds in a fully revised classroom learning section.
Gramdisc - Engelsk
Møller, Paulette
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ELT - A0 - Starter
ELT - A1 - Beginner
Gram Disc giver et hurtigt overblik over den engelske grammatik. Den kan bruges i den daglige undervisning når det tilegnede skal anvendes, men er også egnet som opslagsgrammatik til den afsluttende prøve.
Med Gram disc har Læs meredine elever en overskuelig opslagsgrammatik, som er særdeles velegnet til at tage med til den skritlige prøve i engelsk, eller bare at have ved hånden i det daglige arbejde.
Gram disc er nem at slå op i - der er nemlig ikke nogen sider eller paragraffer. Gram disc består af to skiver, som kan drejes, så man i små "ruder" kan se de hyppigst anvendte uregelmæssige verbers bøjning.
Gram disc indeholder
regelmæssige verber
hyppigst anvendte
uregelmæssige verber
bøjning af do
brug af "do" ved spørgende og nægtende sætninger
entals- og flertalsendelser og staveregler
hvornår der skal være stort begyndelsesbogstav
ubestemte stedord
påpegende stedord
den uregelmæssige bøjning
-ly endelsen
de mest almindelige præpositioner
English Grammar in Use - Fifth Edition
Murphy, Raymond
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ELT - B1 - Intermediate- PET
ELT - B2 - Upper-Intermediate - FCE
Book with Answers and Interactive eBook
Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for Intermediate Learners of English
Raymond Murphy's English Grammar in Use is the first choice for intermediate (B1-B2) learners and covers all the grammar you will need at this level. This book has clear explanations and practice exercises that have helped millions of people around the world improve their English. It also includes an interactive ebook with audio that you can use online or download to your iPad or Android tablet. It is perfect for self-study and can also be used by teachers as a supplementary book in classrooms.
Essential Grammar in Use - Fourth Ed. With Answers and eBook
Murphy, Raymond
Essential Grammar in Use
with Answers and Interactive eBook
A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for Elementary Learners of English
4th Edition
Oxford English Grammar Course - Advanced (w. Answers)
Swan, Michael & Catherine Walter
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ELT - C1 - Advanced - CAE
A new three-level grammar course that offers step-by-step presentation and plenty of practice. A Pronunciation for grammar CD-ROM with each level helps students understand how grammar sounds.
Each section opens with a lively presentation page which introduces the point of grammar.
The grammar explanations are short, concise and easy to remember. We’ve also used colour to make the explanation clearer. Each grammar point that students learn is followed by an activity so they can practice before moving on to the next explanation.
The practice activities are really engaging. ‘Check your knowledge’ exercises revise basic grammar and are combined with vocabulary work. ‘Internet exercises’ encourage students to do their own exploration of usage.
Part 2, Grammar for reading, writing, and speaking helps your students with the production and understanding of more complex spoken exchanges and written texts at different levels of formality.
Towards the end of the Advanced level students will be at a level where they will benefit from using Practical English Usage and Practical English Usage Diagnostic Tests.
* Short, clear grammar explanations are easy to remember
* Real examples show how the grammar works in practice
* Engaging practice activities including Internet exercises, Grammar in a text and Grammar and Vocabulary
* Colour illustrations and cartoons put grammar in context
* Exercises organized into two levels of difficulty (Basic and Intermediate only)
* Pronunciation for grammar CD-ROM helps students hear how grammar sounds as the CD-ROM practises rhythm, stress and intonation associated with grammar.
Record and playback function allows students to listen, think, repeat and record. Exercises include:
• Listening to identify what you heard
• Distinguish between a question and a statement
• Differences between strong and weak forms
• Back chaining for rhythm
Oxford English Grammar Course - Basic (With Answers)
Swan, Michael & Catherine Walter
På lager
ELT - A1/A2 - Elementary
A new three-level grammar course by award-winning authors Michael Swan and Catherine Walter which offers step-by-step presentation and plenty of practice. ‘Pronunciation for grammar’ CD-ROMs help students understand how grammar sounds.
Each section opens with a lively presentation page which introduces the point of grammar.
The grammar explanations are short, concise and easy to remember. We’ve also used colour to make the explanation clearer. Each grammar point that students learn is followed by an activity so they can practice before moving on to the next explanation.
If you like lots of extra practice there are ‘More practice pages’ with a revision test at the end of each section. The practice activities are really engaging. Internet exercises encourage students to see how language is used in real life. Do-it-Yourself exercises mean students can use the grammar to talk about themselves.
It is great for mixed ability classes too as Basic and Intermediate have two levels. Some units are marked ‘Revise the Basics’: these revise the elementary points of grammar which may still cause problems and units marked ‘Level 2’ are more advanced.
* Short, clear grammar explanations are easy to remember
* Real examples show how the grammar works in practice
* Engaging practice activities including Internet exercises, Grammar in a text and Grammar and Vocabulary
* Colour illustrations and cartoons put grammar in context
* Exercises organized into two levels of difficulty (Basic and Intermediate only)
* Pronunciation for grammar CD-ROM helps students hear how grammar sounds as the CD-ROM practises rhythm, stress and intonation associated with grammar.
Record and playback function allows students to listen, think, repeat and record. Exercises include:
• Listening to identify what you heard
• Distinguish between a question and a statement
• Differences between strong and weak forms
• Back chaining for rhythm
Stifinderen - En differentieret engelsk grammatik
Wacher & Kjærgaard
Nu udvidet med 3 ekstra kapitler: 18) Stavning, 19) Stavekontrol i tekstbehandling, 20) Synonymordbog og grammatikkontrol i tekstbehandling.
øvebog: 93,-
Oxford Living Grammar - Intermediate - w. answers + CD-ROM
På lager
ELT - B1 - Intermediate- PET
A three-level series where students learn and practise grammar in everyday contexts.
Oxford Living Grammar takes a practical approach to grammar. The four-page units provide clear explanations and information on when the grammar is used, followed by extensive practice. Each level includes an interactive CD-ROM.
Key features:
* Explanations include a 'Grammar in action' section which explains when the grammar is typically used.
* Exercises are contextualized so that students practise using the grammar in everyday situations.
* 'Word focus' boxes highlight interesting idiomatic expressions or words students might not be familiar with.
* An 'Over to you' task bank at the back of the book offers freer practice, and sample model answers.
* Modern, upbeat illustrations and exercises that apply grammar to real situations give the series a strong appeal to teenage and adult learners.
* Elementary and Pre-Intermediate levels help prepare students for the KET exam; Intermediate prepares students for the PET exam.